Best Practices for Club Package Processing
March 19, 2022
Learn about best practices for handling common scenarios before, during and after club package processing. We delve into pre-shipment communication, package building, inventory forecasting and what to do when running low, dealing with declines, pickup to ship and many more!
8 Examples of Cart Carrot and How to Implement them on your Website
March 19, 2022
Watch me demonstrate effective ways to implement Cart Carrots on your website. Cart Carrots allow you to communicate important information to your customer as they complete their checkout process, use it wisely!
Supercharge your Commerce7 with Apps and Extensions
February 26, 2022
Learn about popular Apps and Extensions. Commerce7 allows 3rd party development agencies to build apps and extensions to expand the capabilities of Commerce7 beyond what's available out of the box.
Order Queries Fundamentals
February 26, 2022
Watch my Free Training Friday presentation on the fundamentals of Order Queries and how you can use Customer conditions and Customer Tags to further refine your query.
Promotions and Coupons for the Holidays
January 20, 2022
‍Watch me host Commerce7 Free Training Friday! In this webinar, I presented four coupons or promotions that drive sales during the holidays and conduct a live Q&A session.
Customer Queries to Sell More Wine
January 20, 2022
Learn how to leverage the Customer Query feature on Commerce7 to segment your customers and create targeted marketing efforts that drive sales!
Mastering Promotion Sets
January 20, 2022
Learn about Promotion Sets on Commerce7 and how they allow you to determine which discounts apply towards an order.
Keeping Up with Product Changes
December 19, 2021
In the age of continuous deployment, web-based products are evolving faster than ever before. Whether it’s a bug fix, UI change or a new functionality, it’s important for Customer Success to stay up to date with product changes.
Helpful Questions When Troubleshooting
December 15, 2021
Troubleshooting requires both the ability to understand what’s happening technically in the product and the ability to communicate effectively with customers to get the full details. Troubleshooting in support is half human fixes and half product fixes.
4 Meetings for Customer Success Teams
December 14, 2021
It’s very important for CS teams to stay in the loop with so many moving parts in a startup. Develop a regular cadence for meetings with clear purpose. I recommend establishing these four meetings for your Customer Success operations
Recording Bugs and Feature Requests
December 13, 2021
Effective bug reporting consists of accurately assessing severity, clear documentation of the issue, and notifying the right people with the appropriate level of urgency. For feature requests, it's having an inquisitive and opinionated team who understands the product direction and strategy.
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